Oil Paintings
Oil paintings run about $1 per square inch, i.e. 8x10 = $80
$50 per group/event. (An additional gas fee may apply)
Each session lasts a 2hr max, as well as many clothes changes, locations, people, and whatever else you might like. You will get a DVD of all your best pictures edited(14 days later).
Each session lasts a 2hr max, as well as many clothes changes, locations, people, and whatever else you might like. You will get a DVD of all your best pictures edited(14 days later).
Each book starts out a minimum of $20, wedding books start at $30. If you would like a thicker or larger book than a standard size (around 7X9' and 40pages) or more embellishment and/or leather then the price will be more.
I am happy to consider commissions of any media; paint, photo, sculptures, books, or anything else. Please contact me so we can work together to get things started